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“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness & growth occurs while you’re climbing it”

”As you grow professionally & personally, you really just want to be surrounded by good people. People that are good for you, good to you, and good for your soul.”

Revenue Mountain LLC was born out of the ability of their CEO & President to generate over 900K in new business revenue for an 18 month old Chicago based technology start-up specializing in data automation, integration and low code no code application development, in a 28 month time frame.

Other technology companies took note and asked the question, ” Can you do this for us?” With the knowledge and ability to continue and expand within the automation space and the vision to climb higher and drive revenue within the technology space, Revenue Mountain LLC was created. Taking companies from outdated to automated is a special passion of ours.

Revenue Mountain LLC serves as a fractional Chief Sales Officer, specializing in the Technology space. We help bring technology products & organizations to market serving either as a conduit to their current sales team or as a sole agent driving new revenue streams.

Every C Suite Executive, Business Owner, or Stakeholder envisions a mountain when it comes to their revenue. They see the summit, which is where they all want to be, on top. Often times, however, they neglect to see the entire mountain or simply put, the climb. Revenue Mountain LLC helps insure a safe and strategic climb.

Our core focus is to sell the problem you’re trying to solve, not the product you’re trying to sell. We are problem solvers that fuel product sales. 

What Our Clients Say About

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Richerd Doe

Team Agent
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Harni Doe

Team Agent
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